Saturday, December 29, 2007

Digg Bury Brigades Are Censoring Political Speech

An article presenting evidence of a Digg Bury Brigade actively censoring political speech and interesting commentary regarding the possibility that the brigades are financed and organized by some group lurking in the shadows.

read more | digg story

Friday, December 28, 2007

My letter to Judge Andrew Napolitano:

Hello Judge. I don't even know were to begin, except that I hope you make a public and loud statement regarding Dr. Ron Paul's exclusion from the Fox News January 6 debates:

You and Ron Paul understand freedom more than anyone else in this country. Can you please come to Ron Paul's side and demand he be included in the debate?

We need a voice like yours.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. I just bought your book at Borders!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Nashua Telegraph Interview

Monday, December 24, 2007

I want to express my disappointment with Volkswagen. Their website lists the features & options for a 2008 2-Door Rabbit, but apparently honoring those listings means nothing to the German car manufacturer. This morning (Christmas Eve), I purchased a new 2008 Rabbit for my mother, a Christmas gift for a woman who never owned a new car in her life (my second VW purchase in three years). As we were about to drive away, I noticed that the vehicle did not have any floor mats! I immediately addressed this apparent "over sight" with the salesman, but he insisted that they are not standard features. Needless to say, I was highly disappointed with the classlessness of this. I mean, is VW becoming that cheap? Anyway, I wanted to make sure that he was correct about this, so I waited to check the website myself - which confirmed my suspicions - floor mats ARE standard.

I called customer service, but they were no help, stating that options may change without notice and there is nothing that can be done. Nice one VW.

Here is something else that just changed without notice: I most likely won't own a third V-Dub, instead choosing a manufacturer who actually cares about customer service. It's not the Floor Mats, stupid.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Dear fellow Ron Paul supporter,

Recently, I've been seeing videos of RP supporters at rallies for other candidates, and I have to say that I'm appalled at some actions. Below are my thoughts:

  • First, it appears that you are using Ron Paul as a reason to protest the other candidates. That is a complete disservice to Ron Paul, supporters like me, and possible future RP supporter - for a few reasons.
    1. In your brilliant attempts to "promote" Ron Paul by protesting WHATEVER, you are alienating voters. When people choose a candidate, a sort of bond is created. When you "protest," those people will immediately put up a defense. Why? Because an attack on their candidate is an attack on them. You will NEVER convince people that Ron Paul is the right choice under these circumstances.
    2. If you are protesting the candidate, leave Ron Paul out of it. Protesting Rudy is your agenda, not Dr. Paul's. In fact, I'm sure that the approach you are taking is opposite of what Ron Paul would do. Brute Force is never better than Reason. If someone chooses Rudy simply because of his name, what makes you think that pushing Ron Paul in their face is going to change anything?
    3. A better approach is to walk around and talk with people. Present you case in a clear way, like Ron Paul would. Hand out literature. Acknowledge that they are Rudy, or Fred, or Mitt supporters, and ask them why they support that candidate. Then calmly present your case for why you support Ron Paul. Keep it short and sweet, and hand them whatever information you have, asking them to at least consider Ron Paul's points. In addition, BE PREPARED TO LEAVE if someone doesn't want to talk to you. Thank them and smile.
  • Second, are you not protesting the candidate? Then why the hell are you there?
    1. I've heard some argue that they are protesting the MSM's coverage of Ron Paul. Why, then, aren't you protesting at the offices of those companies? Call local papers to cover it, but never be a jackass. Remember, if you have a Ron Paul sign, OR EVEN USE HIS NAME, everything you do or say will reflect on Ron Paul.
    2. If you are protesting the MSM just to do so, leave Ron Paul out of it. Stand on your own merits, and don't use Ron Paul's name as a crutch.
  • Lastly, if you find yourself saying something like "So, you wouldn't vote for Ron Paul because of me," then you've done more damage than you can possibly recover from. Instead, smile, apologize and explain why you are so passionate, hand some literature, and WALK AWAY. You aren't making things any better.

I hope that you consider my thoughts the next time you rally.